Foundation promotes the field of science and technology

Research Projects

The Science and Technology Foundation has been a member since 2014 of the National CollMap Project of the National Association of Science Museums (ANMS), funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and aimed at the census of naturalistic collections preserved in Italian Science Museums.

The project consists of a complete survey and online upload of the biological collections of the ANMS Museums network, describing the characteristics of each collection and indicating its scientific value and the number of exhibits.

FST has included 26 naturalistic collections, with a total of 29,661 artifacts.

Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica

History and Origins

The Foundation's cultural project is the fruit of the contributions of ideas and proposals developed by the scientists on its bodies, the cultural institutes with which it collaborates, and the researchers and technicians working in the various fields of its activities.



The Science and Technology Foundation was established in 1987 at the initiative of the Region of Tuscany, the Province and the Municipality of Florence, with the scientific support of the then Institute and Museum of the History of Science (now the Galileo Museum), to promote and disseminate scientific and technological culture, moving from the recovery and enhancement of the historical scientific heritage of the 19th-century Tuscan Technical Institute.

Istituto Tecnico Toscano

The Science and Technology Foundation works for the preservation and enhancement of the historical and scientific heritage of the 19th-century Tuscan Technical Institute, founded by double edict signed on January 14, 1850 by Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Teaching in the school, from its inception in 1853, was inspired by the ancient practical-experimental vocation of Tuscan science (Leonardo, Galileo, the academy of cimento), but also by the great French scholastic tradition.

The Corps of Artisans

In 1807 the Corps of Artisans was established at the Academy of Fine Arts. These artisans were admitted on the first Sunday of the month to a special assembly with the presence of the masters of architecture, mathematics and ornamentation of the Academy of Fine Arts for the purpose of reasoning over practical cases proposed by the members, one Assembly to another and chosen by the appointed Professors.
Poco più tardi, nel 1809, le funzioni e gli scopi del Corpo degli Artigiani furono assorbiti da una nuova istituzione voluta dal governo francese della Toscana, il Conservatorio di Arti e Mestieri, sempre presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti, con due scuole: la prima di Meccanica elementare e la seconda di Chimica applicata alle arti.

Stupenda collezione didattica merceologica. Grande ed importante collezione ed esposizione di strumenti scientifici e macchine, per lo più di fisica, belle e funzionanti. Planetario fantastico. Meta ideale per gente curiosa e vogliosa di stupirsi. Consiglio: andate a vedervi la serie di cortometraggi degli esperimenti di fisica eseguiti con le macchine del museo, sono deliziosi (e rigorosi)

Giancarlo L.
Visitatore - Google

Le visite domenicali per famiglie al nuovo planetario sono una bella esperienza per i bravura del fisico che illustra la volta celeste, coniugando rigore scientifico e semplicità, esalta le potenzialità dell'attrezzatura digitale disponibile.

Giulia C.
Visitatrice - Google

Another excellent place in Florence to learn more about the history of science as well as to experience travelling through our universe in the planetarium. The natural history artefacts and science instruments collections are surprisingly rich and definitely worth a visit for curious kids and adults alike.

Daniel F.
Visitatore - Google
The Museum Archives

a treasure chest of discoveries

Immerse yourself in history and science through interactive and engaging exhibits that offer a unique and educational experience for all.

Physics cabinet with 2,000 machines

Library containing more than 30,000 books

Collections to Discover

Viewable by appointment


Egisto Tortori 1870-1876

Updates on activities

Museum news

The Florence Science and Technology Foundation museum newsletter keeps you informed about the latest events, exhibitions and activities at the museum. Find out about new acquisitions and interesting cultural initiatives the museum is organizing for visitors.

Immerse yourself in history and science through interactive and engaging exhibits that offer a unique and educational experience for all. Sign up for the newsletter so you don’t miss anything about this exciting world of science and technology.

Your Museum

Dedicated tours

Dedicated tours can be arranged only for STUDY AND RESEARCH GROUPS, allowing consultation of the Science and Technology Foundation's protected heritage.

Our timetable:

I nostri orari:

The Florence Science and Technology Foundation Museum is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday.

The library is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The Planetarium can only be visited during scheduled events and lectures.

Let's stay in touch!

Sign up for the FST Newsletter

The Florence Science and Technology Foundation Museum is open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday
. The library is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Adulti: € 8.00
Children: € 6.00

Adults: € 8.00
Children: € 6.00
Planetario + Laboratorio / bambini: € 10.00
By reservation only

Discount of € 1.00 for
- soci Coop

Via Giuseppe Giusti, 29 50121 Firenze
